Spend Time in the Presence of God this Season

Make Time for Jesus - Recite the Lord's Prayer Often - Share your Gifts and Talents  -

Acknowledge God's Goodness in Word or Action - Share Gestures of Kindness - Be Still

Revisit this page weekly for updates and invitations to participate in restful practices or ministry related to this Lenten "Season of Rest."

Week 2 of Lent: 

Using the Season of Renewal Calendar, focus on prayer as a way to be closer to God this week. 

You can write a prayer, recite the Lord's Prayer, pray with others, or pray alone.

Think about praying-

  • for yourself 
  • for others 
  • Be grateful and offer Praise to God with joy 
  • Ask for help or guidance or support in your prayer

There are different ways to pray! 

  • Pray with your voice- using words. 
  • Meditate over a Bible verse or use a repetitive prayer. 
  • You can pray with contemplation; focusing on God without words, but in silence, just being with God.

Plan for Rest: Continue to use your rest plan to help you feel closer to God during Lent













Mission:  For Lent St. Paul's will support the Neighborhood Resilience Project.  Children are encouraged to donate small teddybears that will be given to children who are experiencing trauma.  Children are encouraged to make tags with special messages to attach to the bears for the children who will receive the bears.  If you are able to donate a bear it can be dropped off anytime during Lent.  Please remember to keep the bears small, able to fit in a lunch bag. 

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