“God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that…you may share abundantly in every good work” ~2 Corinthians 9:8 (CEB)
There are many ways to support the mission and ministry of St. Paul’s UMC, including giving in our weekly offering plates, on the St. Paul’s UMC app, through the online giving portal, and by automatic billpay or recurring ACH withdrawal. For assistance setting up ACH, please contact your bank or financial institution. You may also call the church office to speak with Donna Barto, St. Paul’s UMC Treasurer.
However you give, thank you for supporting the shared mission and ministry of St. Paul’s UMC!
St. Paul’s UMC has an annual budget of approximately $2.2M. The largest percentage of our annual budget supports staff and personnel costs for our congregational ministries and our Weekday Ministries children’s programs. Building maintenance and repairs make up our second-largest category of expense. Investing in the lives of our staff and in the sacred space of this building allow us to offer a breadth of ministries to congregation and community, and we are grateful for all who support these ministries by giving faithfully to ongoing ministries.
Our ministry budget is supported by income from congregational giving, building use fees, Weekday Ministries program tuition, interest income, and fundraising. The annual operating budget is also supplemented with invested funds and memorial gifts, which allow us to care for larger capital projects and major programming initiatives.
Connectional Apportionment funds represent our local congregation’s support of denominational ministries through The United Methodist Church. They represent approximately 10% of our annual budget – something like a tithe. Together with funds from United Methodist congregations all over the world, these funds provide for our world-wide denominational structure and ministries. The apportionment monies are distributed among seven funds, which support missions, education, leadership and interfaith relationships, as well as the administrative costs of our denominational structures. A portion of these funds also stays within our Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference to support local ministries shared among WPA United Methodist churches. Learn more about the distribution of connectional apportionments.
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